This work was produced at Project Probe, an exhibition platform based in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The exhibition room is in fact a scale model (1:4) and the actual viewing experience is limited to an online platform.
For this unconventional space carpet textures were used to create an environment where surface is the protagonist. The model format enlarges a texture and presents the carpet surface in a way that is unlikely to exist in a normal space. The focus was less on convincing the viewer that it was a large space, but instead on the novel conditions that the model form established.
The material dominates and determines the environment, but it also became a test site to grapple with the relationship between photographic (represented) space and a sculptural (embodied) one. One works within a real space, but the work exists as photographs that are taken from predetermined angles. The space exists as both a real and a virtual environment, as views are composed for the camera, but the many different angles pull it back into a spatial composition.
Two striped semi-ornate
Scale 1:4
Carpet, aluminium, gravel, fabric; 2015